
分流器 - 高压电池(非结构化电池组) (拆卸和更换)

16303602 1.20 注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com注意:请参阅人员保护,确保在执行以下程序时穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation

只有接受过高压安全意识培训并完成全部所需认证课程(如适用)的维修技工才允许执行此程序。处理高压线缆、母排或接头时,务必全程穿戴最低防护等级为 0 (1000V) 的适当个人防护装备 (PPE)高压绝缘手套。有关其他安全信息,请参阅技术注意事项 TN-15-92-003高压安全意识注意事项


  1. Remove the RH 2nd row seat back. See 座椅靠背 - 第二排 - RH(拆卸和更换).
  2. Remove the LH 2nd row seat back. See 座椅靠背 - 第二排 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  3. Remove the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
  4. Disconnect 12V power. See 12V/低压电源(断开和连接).
  5. Perform the vehicle electrical isolation procedure. See 车辆高压禁用程序.
  6. Remove the ancillary bay cover. See 盖板 - 高压电池仓(拆卸和更换).
  7. Remove the pyrotechnic battery disconnect. See 烟火电池断接开关(拆卸和更换).
  8. Remove the shunt insulator. See 绝缘体 - 分流器 - 高压电池(拆卸和更换).
  9. Remove and discard the bolt that attaches the shunt assembly to the ancillary bay.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 绝缘工具:
      • 13 毫米套筒
      • 2 英寸加长件
  10. Remove the shunt from the vehicle.


  1. Perform a zero adjust of the Hioki resistance meter in preparation to measure resistances later in this procedure. See 电阻表(零点调节).
  2. Record the 5-digit shunt resistance as printed at the bottom of the part number label of the new shunt, and then convert the resistance value to hexadecimal.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The resistance is in the range of 20000 to 30000 nano Ohms. For example, "R:25819nΩ" is a resistance of 25819 nano Ohms, so record "25819".
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Skip this step if installing the original shunt.
  3. Use an IPA wipe to clean the HV mating surfaces of the shunt, busbar, and the pyrotechnic battery disconnect.
  4. Install the shunt to the busbar, and then install and hand-tighten a new bolt to attach the shunt to the busbar.
  5. 测量烟火电池隔离开关安装点间的电压,然后安装烟火电池隔离开关。请参阅烟火电池断接开关(拆卸和更换)
  6. Torque the bolt that attaches the shunt assembly to the ancillary bay.
    9 Nm (6.6 lbs-ft)
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    • 绝缘工具:
      • 13 毫米套筒
      • 2 英寸加长件
  7. Install the shunt insulator. See 绝缘体 - 分流器 - 高压电池(拆卸和更换).
  8. Use the Hioki resistance meter to measure the resistance of the HV joint between the shunt and the adjacent busbar.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The maximum acceptable resistance is 0.045 mΩ (45 μΩ). If the resistance is above this value, escalate a Toolbox session, as appropriate.
  9. Install the ancillary bay cover. See 盖板 - 高压电池仓(拆卸和更换).
  10. Install the LH 2nd row seat back. See 座椅靠背 - 第二排 - LH(拆卸和更换).
  11. Install the RH 2nd row seat back. See 座椅靠背 - 第二排 - RH(拆卸和更换).
  12. Install the 2nd row lower seat cushion. See 座椅座垫 - 下部 - 第二排(拆卸和更换).
  13. Connect 12V power. See 12V/低压电源(断开和连接).
  14. Skip step 15 through step 19 if installing the original shunt.
  15. Connect an LV maintainer. See 低压维护设备(连接和断开).
  16. Connect the laptop with Toolbox 3 to the vehicle.
  17. In Toolbox, select the Actions/Autodiag tab, type "HVP write shunt ohm" into the search field, and then click HVP write shunt ohm, type the shunt resistance value in hexadecimal format from step 2, then click Run Network, and allow the routine to complete.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If the routine fails, repeat from step 17.
  18. Disconnect the laptop from the vehicle.
  19. Disconnect an LV maintainer. See 低压维护设备(连接和断开).
  20. Install the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).