铸件 - 赛车座椅 - 第二排座椅 - LH(七座)(拆卸和更换)
13020132 0.36 注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com。注意:请参阅人员保护,确保在执行以下程序时穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。
- Remove the LH 2nd row seat assembly from the vehicle. See 座椅总成 - 第二排 - LH(七座)(拆卸和更换).
Remove the push clip from the front of
the LH 2nd row seat outer sideshield assembly.
TIpUse a pick to remove the push clip from the bottom side of the outboard cover.
Release the clip that attaches the LH
2nd row seat outer sideshield to the seat assembly, disconnect the electrical connector,
and then remove the sideshield from the seat assembly.
注Release the outer sideshield assembly by pulling outwards and up at the front portion of the trim, and then releasing the remaining clip.
- Release the clips (x3) that attach the LH 2nd row seat inboard outer trim to the seat assembly, and then remove the trim from the seat assembly.
Remove the seat pan fastener from the
LH front of the LH 2nd row seat.6 Nm (4.4 lbs-ft)注1x fastener,10mm, 6NmTIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 mm socket
- Release the clips (x2) that attach the front of the LH 2nd row seat cushion to the seat assembly, and then lift the front edge of the seat cushion to access the podium fasteners.
Remove and discard the bolts (x2) and
release the harness clip that attach the LH 2nd row seat podium casting to the seat
assembly, and then remove the casting from the seat assembly.37 Nm (27.3 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 mm socket
Position the LH 2nd row seat podium
casting into the seat assembly, and then secure the harness clip and install new bolts
(x2) that attach the casting to the seat assembly.37 Nm (27.3 lbs-ft)TIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 11 mm socket
- Position the front edge of the LH 2nd row seat cushion onto the seat assembly, and then install the clips that attach the cushion to the seat assembly.
Install the seat pan fastener to the
LH front of the LH 2nd row seat.6 Nm (4.4 lbs-ft)注1x fastener,10mm, 6NmTIp推荐使用以下工具:
- 10 mm socket
- Position the LH 2nd row seat outer sideshield to the seat assembly, connect the electrical connector, and then secure the clip that attaches the sideshield to the seat assembly.
- Install the push clip at the front of the LH 2nd row seat outer sideshield assembly.
- Position the LH 2nd row seat inboard outer trim onto the seat assembly, and then secure the clips (x3) that attach the trim to the seat assembly.
- Install the LH 2nd row seat assembly. See 座椅总成 - 第二排 - LH(七座)(拆卸和更换).