变流器 - 后驱动单元 (4DU)(拆卸和更换)
40200612 3.00 注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com。注意:请参阅人员保护,确保在执行以下程序时穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。
- 2024-12-04: Updated inverter fastener torque sequence.
- 2024-02-27: Updated gearbox fluid to KAF 1.
- 2023-07-25: Removed resolver error learn substeps.
- While performing the courtesy inspection, note any abnormal tire wear that could indicate the need for an alignment.
- Move the vehicle to a 2 post lift. See 举升车辆 - 双柱举升机.
- Place stanchions around the rear of the vehicle to setup a safety perimeter.
- Verify that the vehicle firmware is version 2022.20.6 or later. Update the vehicle firmware if this is not the case. See 软件更新.
- Connect a laptop with Toolbox 3 to the vehicle. See Toolbox 3(连接和断开).
- In Toolbox 3, click the Dashboards tab, and type ‘Rear Drive Inverter Replacement' into the search field, and click [Model 3/Y] REAR Drive INVERTER - Replacement.
- From the BEFORE INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Store Drive Inverter Bootloader Data before Replacement, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the BEFORE INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Store Drive Inverter Application Data before Replacement, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the BEFORE INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Start Thermal Fluid Fill/Drain (Coolant only), click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
Disconnect the laptop with Toolbox 3
from the vehicle. See Toolbox 3(连接和断开).
注Do not close this instance of Toolbox 3 as it is needed later on in the procedure.
- Remove the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the HEPA filter assembly. See 总成 - 过滤器 - 高效分子空气 (HEPA)(拆卸和更换).
- Disconnect LV power. See 12V/低压电源(断开和连接).
- 执行车辆高压禁用程序。请参阅车辆高压禁用程序。
- Remove the LH and RH rear wheels. See 轮毂(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the LH and RH rear suspension covers. See 盖板 - 后悬架 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the mid aero shield panel. See 面板 - 流线型护板 - 中间(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the rear diffuser. See 扩散器 - 后饰板(拆卸和更换).
- Release the red locking tab and then disconnect the electrical harness from the rear subframe harness RH connector.
- Release the clip that attaches the rear subframe harness to the body on the RH side.
- Release the red locking tab and then disconnect the electrical harness from the rear subframe harness LH connector.
- Release the clip that attaches the rear subframe harness to the body on the LH side.
- Remove the nut that attaches the rear drive unit ground strap to the body, and then remove the ground strap from the body.
Remove and discard the nut that
attaches the LH rear stabilizer bar end link to the rear stabilizer bar.
注Use a 5mm allen wrench to prevent the ball joint stud from turning and damaging the ball joint.
Remove LH rear stabilizer bar end link
from the rear stabilizer bar.
注Move the stabilizer bar up and down to ease removal of the end link.
Remove and discard the nut that
attaches the RH rear stabilizer bar end link to the rear stabilizer bar.
注Use a 5mm allen wrench to prevent the ball joint stud from turning and damaging the ball joint.
Remove RH rear stabilizer bar end link
from the rear stabilizer bar.
注Move the stabilizer bar up and down to ease removal of the end link.
- Remove and discard the bolts (x4) that attach the rear stabilizer bar to the rear subframe, and then remove the stabilizer bar from the subframe.
- Release the clips (x2) that attach the coolant hoses to LH shear plate.
Release the clips (x4) that secure
coolant hoses to the rear skid plate.
注Clip quantity varies with older vehicles.
- Release the clips (x2) that attach the coolant hoses to RH shear plate.
- Remove the HV battery rear skid plate. See 滑板 - 高压电池 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
- Position a coolant drain collector underneath the LH rear of the HV battery.
- Release the clip, disconnect the rear drive unit inverter inlet hose from the HV battery, and then immediately plug both fittings.
- Release the clip, disconnect the rear drive unit inverter inlet hose from the rear drive unit inverter, and then immediately plug both fittings.
- Release the clip that attaches the rear drive unit inverter inlet tube from rear drive unit HV harness.
- Remove the rear drive unit inverter inlet tube down and out from between the rear subframe and the HV battery.
- Remove the coolant drain collector from under the vehicle.
Release the locking tab, push the
handle downward, and then disconnect the rear subframe electrical harness from the rear
drive unit inverter logic connector.
警告Once disconnected, make sure that coolant does not get into the connectors.
- Release the clip that attaches the rear subframe electrical harness to the rear drive unit inverter.
- Remove the bolt that attaches the rear drive unit HV harness bracket to the rear drive unit inverter.
- Slide the locking tab, raise the black handle, disconnect the rear drive unit HV harness from the rear drive unit inverter HV header,and then set the HV harness aside.
- Remove the nut(s) that attach(es) the rear drive unit HV harness bracket to the HV battery.
- Slide the red locking tab, raise the black handle, and then disconnect the rear drive unit HV harness from the HV battery header.
Remove the rear drive unit HV harness
down and out from between the rear subframe and the HV battery.
注Rotate the harness as it is removed to allow access for the bracket.
- Position the subframe lifting tool under, and up against the rear subframe.
- With the help of an assistant, fully secure the straps (x3) that attach the rear subframe to the subframe lifting tool.
- Use a paint pen to trace around the LH and RH rear subframe mounting bolts, so that the bolts can be realigned later during the subframe installation.
- Use a paint pen to apply a witness mark where the rear subframe contacts the body at the LH and RH rear subframe mounting bolts, so that the subframe can be realigned to the body later during subframe installation.
- Remove the small bolts (x2) that attach the LH shear plate to the HV battery.
- Remove the large bolt that attaches the LH shear plate and rear subframe to the body, and then remove shear plate.
- Remove the small bolts (x2) that attach the RH shear plate to the HV battery.
- Remove the large bolt that attaches the RH shear plate and rear subframe to the body, and then remove shear plate.
- Remove and discard the LH rear subframe bolt that attaches the subframe to the body.
- Remove and discard the RH rear subframe bolt that attaches the subframe to the body.
Carefully lower the subframe and rear
drive unit assembly approximately 8.25 cm (3.25 in) from the vehicle.
警告Do not lower the subframe any more than 8.25 cm (3.25 in) as suspension and brake components are still attached to both the subframe and the body.
- Tilt the subframe fixture forward in order to access motor mount fasteners.
Insert a rubber or wood block between
the rear drive unit and the subframe fixture so as to support the rear drive unit while
the LH mount is removed.
- Release the clip that attaches the rear drive unit ground strap to the rear subframe.
- Release the clips (x2) that attach the rear drive unit inverter to heat exchanger hose to the rear drive unit.
Remove the LH mount bolt that attaches
the rear drive unit LH mount to the rear subframe.
注Use a pry bar between the block and rear drive unit to unload the bolt so that it can be removed.
- Remove and discard the bolts (x3) that attach the rear drive unit LH mount to the rear drive unit.
- Release the clip, disconnect the rear drive unit inverter to heat exchanger hose from the rear drive unit inverter outlet, and then immediately plug both fittings.
- Remove the rear drive unit LH mount up, over, and out between the rear subframe and the body.
- Rotate the clip counter-clockwise to release, and then remove the NVH cover from the rear drive unit.
- Put on the ESD wrist strap and attach it to the rear drive unit inverter housing.
- Remove and discard the rear drive unit phase out cover label to access the bolts behind.
- Remove the bolts (x2) that attach the phase out cover to the rear drive unit gearbox, and then use a plastic trim tool to remove the cover from the gearbox.
- Inspect the condition of the phase out cover and O-rings. If the cover has less than 6 O-rings, or if the O-rings or cover are damaged, discard the cover and use a new cover, part 1096984-00-C or newer revision, for installation.
- Remove the bolts (x3) that attach the rear drive unit motor 3-phase terminals to the rear drive unit LH inverter 3-phase terminals.
- Remove the bolts (x9) that attach the rear drive unit inverter to the rear drive unit gearbox..
Carefully remove the rear drive unit
inverter from the rear drive unit gearbox, and move the inverter down and out between
the rear subframe and drive unit.
警告Take care not to damage the inverter circuit board when removing the inverter.
- Remove the plugs from the inverter and drain the coolant.
- Set the rear drive unit inverter onto an ESD mat, and then remove the ESD wrist strap clip from the inverter housing.
Inspect the rear drive unit gearbox
housing to make sure that there is no gap pad stuck there. If there is, remove the gap
pad, clean the area with an alcohol wipe, and allow at least one minute to dry.
注Also inspect the gearbox housing and remove any dropped fasteners or loose debris.
- Prepare the new rear drive unit inverter and attach the ESD strap to the new inverter housing
- Use an IPA wipe to clean the phase terminals of the rear drive unit motor and the new rear drive unit inverter, and allow at least one minute to dry.
- Use and IPA wipe to clean mating surface of the rear drive unit gearbox, and allow at least one minute to dry.
Carefully install the new rear drive
unit inverter in and up between the rear subframe and rear drive unit. Align the
inverter to the 2 pins in the rear drive unit gearbox, and then install the inverter to
the gearbox.
警告Take care not to damage the inverter circuit board when installing the inverter.注Make sure that the phase terminals align during installation.
- Install and hand-tighten the bolts (x9) that attach the new rear drive unit inverter to the rear drive unit LH gearbox.
Tighten the 2 bolts nearest the
alignment dowels first, and then tighten the remaining bolts (x7) that attach the new
rear drive unit inverter to the rear drive unit gearbox.12.5 Nm (9.2 lbs-ft)
- Install and hand-tighten the bolts (x3) that attach the rear drive unit motor 3-phase terminals to the new rear drive unit inverter 3-phase terminals.
Tighten the bolts (x3) that attach the
rear drive unit motor 3-phase terminals to the new rear drive unit inverter 3-phase
terminals.11.5 Nm (8.5 lbs-ft)警告如果有任何螺栓掉入变速箱外壳内,必须将其取出。注如果要安装新螺栓,请先紧固至 12.5 Nm,回退 180 度,然后再拧至 5 Nm + 40 度。
- Lightly lubricate the rear drive unit gearbox phase out cover bores with KAF 1 fluid, and if a new phase out cover is to be installed, lightly lubricate the O-rings of the cover.
Install the phase out cover into the
rear drive unit gearbox, and then install the bolts (x2) that attach the cover to the
gearbox.14 Nm (10.3 lbs-ft)
- Install a new phase out cover label.
- Remove the ESD wrist strap from the new inverter, attach it to the old inverter, and prepare the old inverter for shipment to MRB.
- Perform an inverter air leak test. See 变流器漏气测试.
- Install the NVH cover onto the rear drive unit, and then rotate the clip clockwise to fasten.
- Install the rear drive unit LH mount in, over, and down between the rear subframe and the body.
- Remove the plugs from the fittings, immediately connect the rear drive unit inverter to heat exchanger hose to the rear drive unit inverter outlet, fasten the clip, and then perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fitting.
- Install the rear drive unit LH mount to the rear drive unit, and then install and hand-tighten new bolts (x3) to attach the mount to the drive unit.
Tighten the bolts (x3) that attach the
rear drive unit LH mount to the rear drive unit in the sequence shown.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft) +55 deg
Install the LH mount bolt that
attaches the rear drive unit LH mount to the rear subframe.80 Nm (59.0 lbs-ft)注Use a pry bar between the block and rear drive unit to position the mount so that the bolt can be installed.
- Fasten the clips (x2) that attach the rear drive unit inverter to heat exchanger hose to the rear drive unit.
- Fasten the clip that attaches the rear drive unit ground strap to the rear subframe.
- Remove the block from between the rear drive unit and the subframe fixture.
- Tilt the subframe fixture backward to its original position.
Carefully raise the subframe and rear
drive unit assembly until they are up against the body.
警告Be mindful of the suspension and brake components that are still attached to both the subframe and the body.
- Install and hand-tighten a new RH rear subframe bolt to attach the rear subframe to the body.
- Install and hand-tighten a new LH rear subframe bolt to attach the rear subframe to the body.
- Install the RH shear plate to the rear subframe, and then install a new large bolt to attach the RH shear plate and rear subframe to the body.
- Install and hand-tighten the small bolts (x2) that attach the RH shear plate to the HV battery.
- Install the LH shear plate to the rear subframe, and then install a new large bolt to attach the LH shear plate and rear subframe to the body.
- Install and hand-tighten the small bolts (x2) that attach the LH shear plate to the HV battery.
- Use a pry bar to shimmy the rear subframe with respect to the body, so that the subframe mounting bolts are centered in the tracings, and the witness marks align where the subframe contacts the body.
Tighten the RH rear subframe bolt that
attaches the rear subframe to the body, and then mark the bolt after
tightening.165 Nm (121.7 lbs-ft)
Tighten the LH rear subframe bolt that
attaches the rear subframe to the body, and then mark the bolt after
tightening.165 Nm (121.7 lbs-ft)
Tighten large bolt that attaches the
LH shear plate and rear subframe to the body, and then mark the bolt after
tightening.130 Nm (95.9 lbs-ft)
Tighten large bolt that attaches the
RH shear plate and rear subframe to the body, and then mark the bolt after
tightening.130 Nm (95.9 lbs-ft)
Tighten the small bolts (x2) that
attach the RH shear plate to the HV battery.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)
Tighten the small bolts (x2) that
attach the LH shear plate to the HV battery.35 Nm (25.8 lbs-ft)
- Release the straps (x3) that attach the rear subframe to the subframe lifting tool.
- Lower the subframe lifting tool, and move it out from under the vehicle.
Install the rear drive unit HV harness
in and up between the rear subframe and the HV battery.
注Rotate the harness as it is installed to allow access for the bracket.
- Verify that the black release lever of the rear drive unit HV harness connector is in the open position, install the connector flat and square to the HV battery header, secure the release lever to the closed position, and then slide the red connector locking tab.
Install the nut(s) that attach(es) the
rear drive unit HV harness bracket to the HV battery.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)
- Verify that the black release lever of the rear drive unit HV harness connector is in the open position, install the connector flat and square to the rear drive unit inverter HV header, secure the release lever to the closed position, and then slide the connector locking tab.
Install the bolt that attaches the
rear drive unit HV harness bracket to the rear drive unit inverter.6 Nm (4.4 lbs-ft)
- Inspect the rear subframe electrical harness logic connector and the rear drive unit inverter logic connector for coolant, and use shop air and a clean dry shop towel to remove any coolant from the connectors.
- Connect the rear subframe electrical harness to the rear drive unit inverter logic connector, raise the handle upward, and fasten the locking tab.
- Fasten the clip that attaches the rear subframe electrical harness to the rear drive unit inverter.
- Position a coolant drain collector underneath the LH rear of the HV battery.
- Install the rear drive unit inverter inlet tube in and up between the rear subframe and the HV battery.
- Fasten the clip that attaches the rear drive unit inverter inlet tube to rear drive unit HV harness.
- Remove the plugs from the fittings, immediately connect the rear drive unit inverter inlet hose to the rear drive unit inverter, fasten the clip, and then perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fitting.
- Remove the plugs from the fittings, immediately connect the rear drive unit inverter inlet hose to the HV battery, fasten the clip, and then perform a Push-Pull-Push check of the fitting.
- Remove the coolant drain collector from under the vehicle.
- Install the HV battery rear skid plate. See 滑板 - 高压电池 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
- Fasten the clips (x2) that attach the coolant hoses to RH shear plate.
Fasten the clips (x4) that secure
coolant hoses to the rear skid plate.
注Clip quantity varies with older vehicles.
- Fasten the clips (x2) that attach the coolant hoses to LH shear plate.
Install the rear stabilizer bar to the
rear subframe, and then install new bolts (x4) to attach the stabilizer bar to the
subframe.30 Nm (22.1 lbs-ft)
Install the LH rear stabilizer bar end
link into the rear stabilizer bar.
注Move the stabilizer bar up and down to ease installation of the end link.
Install a new nut to attach the LH
rear stabilizer bar end link to the rear stabilizer bar.55 Nm (40.6 lbs-ft)注Use a 5mm allen wrench to prevent the ball joint stud from turning and damaging the ball joint.
Install the RH rear stabilizer bar end
link into the rear stabilizer bar.
注Move the stabilizer bar up and down to ease installation of the end link.
Install a new nut to attach the RH
rear stabilizer bar end link to the rear stabilizer bar.55 Nm (40.6 lbs-ft)注Use a 5mm allen wrench to prevent the ball joint stud from turning and damaging the ball joint.
Install the rear drive unit ground
strap to the body, and then install the nut that attaches the ground strap to the
body.10 Nm (7.4 lbs-ft)
- Fasten the clip that attaches the rear subframe harness to the body on the LH side.
- Connect electrical harness to the rear subframe harness LH connector and then fasten the red locking tab.
- Fasten the clip that attaches the rear subframe harness to the body on the RH side.
- Connect electrical harness to the rear subframe harness RH connector and then fasten the red locking tab.
- Install the rear diffuser. See 扩散器 - 后饰板(拆卸和更换).
- Install the mid aero shield panel. See 面板 - 流线型护板 - 中间(拆卸和更换).
- Install the LH and RH rear suspension covers. See 盖板 - 后悬架 - LH(拆卸和更换).
- Perform a cooling system vacuum refill. See 冷却系统(真空重新加注).
- Connect LV power. See 12V/低压电源(断开和连接).
- Connect an LV maintainer to the vehicle, and then disconnect the LV battery. See 低压维护设备(连接和断开).
- Reconnect the laptop with Toolbox 3 to the vehicle.
- In Toolbox 3, click the Dashboards tab, and type ‘Rear Drive Inverter Replacement' into the search field, and click [Model 3/Y] REAR Drive INVERTER - Replacement.
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Stop Thermal Fluid Fill/Drain, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Restore REAR Drive INVERTER Bootloader Data after Replacement and Usage ID Configuration, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Service CAN Redeploy, click Run, and allow the update to finish.
- Reconnect the LV battery, and then disconnect the LV maintainer. See 低压维护设备(连接和断开).
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Restore Drive Inverter Application Data after Replacement, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Secure pairing (immobilizer pairing) between the Security Controller and Drive Inverter and Vehicle Odometer Pairing to UI, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Coolant Air Purge, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- From the AFTER INVERTER SWAP Action List, click Thermal System Performance Test, click Run, and allow the routine to complete.
- Add coolant to the reservoir as necessary, and install the reservoir cap.
Manually engage the hood latch.
注If the hood is open, or if the hood latch is not manually engaged, the vehicle speed will be limited and the resolver learn routine will fail.
- Touch the brake pedal to ensure the drive rails are on.
- From the RESOLVER LEARN Action List, click Rear Drive Unit Resolver Error Learning, click Run, and follow the displayed instructions.
- Disconnect the laptop with Toolbox 3 from the vehicle.
- Install the LH and RH rear wheels. See 轮毂(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the stanchions from the rear of the vehicle.
- On the vehicle touchscreen, open the hood to disengage the hood latch.
- Install the HEPA filter assembly. See 总成 - 过滤器 - 高效分子空气 (HEPA)(拆卸和更换).
- Install the rear underhood apron. See 前备箱挡板 - 后部(拆卸和更换).
- Remove the vehicle from the 2 post lift. See 举升车辆 - 双柱举升机.
Perform a validation test drive at
road and highway speeds to determine if an alignment check is necessary.
- If the test drive shows the vehicle to track poorly or pull to the side, or if steering is sloppy or off center, then perform a four wheel alignment check. See 四轮定位检查, and add this service to the SV.
- If the test drive shows the vehicle to steer and handle as expected, then an alignment check is not necessary.