
套管 - 前驱动单元 - RH(拆卸和更换)

校正代码 39011102 3.12 注意:除非本程序中另有明确规定,否则上述校正代码和 FRT 反映的是执行本程序(包括关联程序)所需的所有工作。除非明确要求,否则请勿堆叠校正代码。注意:请参阅平均维修工时,深入了解 FRT 及其创建方式。要提供有关 FRT 值的反馈,请发送电子邮件至LaborTimeFeedback@tesla.com注意:请参阅人员保护,确保在执行以下程序时穿戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE)。


  1. Remove the front subframe assembly from the vehicle. See 副车架总成 - 前(双电机)(拆卸和安装).
  2. Install the bushing tool on the RH front drive unit bushing.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use cups "K", "B", and "I" when assembling the special tool, as shown.
    图 1. Other assemblies hidden for clarity
  3. Turn the bearing-side bushing tool nut with a wrench while holding the opposite nut in place.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Apply torque only to the bearing-side bushing tool nut.
    图 2. Apply torque only to the nut highlighted red
  4. When the bushing has been pushed out of the front drive unit, separate the bushing tool, and then remove the bushing.


  1. 安装套管工具,以套上新的套管。
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use cups "L", "J", and "C" when assembling the special tool, as shown.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Make sure the rubber tab is visible at the top of cup "J".
    图 3. Cups "L", "J", and "C" used to install the bushing
    图 4. Rubber tab visible at the top of cup "J"
  2. Turn the bearing-side bushing tool nut with a wrench until the bushing flange makes contact with the front drive unit.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    Apply torque only to the bearing-side bushing tool nut.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    While installing the bushing, make sure the rubber tab remains visible at the top of cup "J".
    图 5. Apply torque only to the nut highlighted red
  3. 分离套管工具,然后从驱动单元上拆下。
  4. Make sure the bushing alignment lug is oriented to 12 o'clock.
    图 6. Other assemblies hidden for clarity
  5. Install the front subframe assembly on the vehicle. See 副车架总成 - 前(双电机)(拆卸和安装).
  6. 检查车辆轮毂定位,并根据需要进行调整。请参阅四轮定位检查