40 Amp Fuse - Forward Junction Box - 2nd Generation (Dual Motor) (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
- 2024-1-24: Added fuse diagram.

This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
requirements and use extreme caution when working on or near High Voltage systems and
components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
- Remove the forward junction box. See 2nd Generation Dual Motor.
Remove FJB lid
Note10x bolts, 8 mm, 4.2 Nm, Discard bolts after removal
Inspect Front Junction box gasket for damage
NoteIf damaged, lid must be replaced
Remove F2 40 amp fuse
NoteTake care not to damage any of the surrounding components during fuse removal
Remove F3 40 amp fuse
NoteTake care not to damage any of the surrounding components during fuse removal
Clean and inspect the interior of all 4 fuse brackets
NoteIf any fuse brackets are broken, the DCDC will need to be replaced, Allow 1 minute dry time
Confirm new fuses are intact
NoteUsing a digital multimeter check resistance from one end of the fuse to the other, <1.0 Ohms
Install new 40 amp F3 fuse
NoteAdjust the fuse so it lies evenly in both sets of bracket, It may be necessary to adjust the fuse clamps when installing the fuse
Install new 40 amp F2 fuse
NoteAdjust the fuse so it lies evenly in both sets of bracket, It may be necessary to adjust the fuse clamps when installing the fuse
Install FJB lid
Note10x bolts, 8 mm, 4.2 Nm, Install new patch bolts, Inspect gasket and replace lid if damaged
- Install the forward junction box and all components removed for access. See 2nd Generation Dual Motor.