Noise Absorber - Motor Bay - Front (Refresh) (Remove and Replace)
Correction code
This procedure is a DRAFT.
Although it has been validated, Warnings and Cautions might be missing. Follow safety
requirements and use extreme caution when working on or near High Voltage systems and
components. Provide corrections and feedback to ServiceDevelopment@teslamotors.com.
- Open LH front door
- Lower both front windows
- Move LH front seat backward
Release the front section of the LH center console wrapped trim
Note10x clips, only necessary to release the front section to remove the center console carpeted closeout extension
Remove LH side console closeout panel
Note6x clips, Pull side panel back and slide closeout panel down behind side panel
Remove LH IP side cover
Note4x clips, 1x connector
Remove LH footwell cover
Note2x clips, 1x connector
Remove LH lower IP trim
Note1x screw, T20, 2 Nm, 9x clips
Open hood
NoteUsing MCU touchscreen > Controls > Frunk Trunk
Raise and support vehicle
NotePrepare to raise vehicle, Set air suspension to "Jack Mode", Position lift arm pads on vehicle jack pads
Remove rear underhood apron
Note8x clips
Remove LH underhood apron
Note9x clips
Remove RH underhood apron
Note9x clips
Release drainage hoses from HEPA filter inlet duct
Note2x hoses
Remove clips securing HEPA filter inlet duct to cowl panel
Note3x push clips
Remove HEPA filter inlet duct
Note2x clips on HEPA filter
Remove HEPA filter outlet duct from vehicle
NoteLift up, pull towards front of vehicle, then rotate clockwise
Power off vehicle from MCU
NoteVia Controls > Safety & Security > Power Off
Disconnect 12V negative terminal and First Responder Loop
Note1x nut, 10mm, 5 Nm, 1x connector, Wait at least 2 minutes before disconnecting modules or HV components
Remove lug nut covers from LH front wheel
Note5x covers
Remove lug nut covers from LH rear wheel
Note5x covers
Remove lug nut covers from RH rear wheel
Note5x covers
Remove lug nut covers from RH front wheel
Note5x covers
Loosen LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Loosen LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Loosen RH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Loosen RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Raise vehicle partially and lower onto locks
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to side
Remove LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Remove clips securing rear portion of
the LH front wheel house liner and reposition to gain access
Note6x clips
Disconnect harness connectors from brake booster assembly
Note2x connectors, 1x clip
Remove LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Remove RH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Remove RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Lower vehicle partially and set lift onto locks
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered, Set vehicle to comfortable working height
Remove fuse box cover
Note2x tabs, push tabs inwards and remove fuse box cover
Remove 12V supply cable to DCDC
Note1x nyloc nut, 13mm, 12 Nm, 1x clip, Discard nut after removal
Release clips securing 12V battery supply cable to fuse box and strut tower cross beam
Note3x clips
Disconnect pyrotechnic fuse connector
Note1x connector, Gently lift up orange lock tab to release connector
Remove bolts securing fuse box to body
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Release fuse box from body
Note2x tabs, Slide fuse box to RH side to release tabs and then lift
Disconnect remaining connectors from bottom of fuse box
Note3x connectors, Depress locking tabs on sides of flip type connector and flip lever on connector to reseal
- Remove fuse box from vehicle
Remove LH shock tower cover
Note4x push clips
Remove RH shock tower cover
Note4x push clips
Remove wiper arms
Note2x nuts, 17mm, 35 Nm
Remove cowl screen panel
Note4x push clips, 2x end tabs
Remove LH shock tower brace
Note1x bolt, 13mm, 30 Nm, 2x bolts, 13mm, 20 Nm
Remove RH shock tower brace
Note1x bolt, 13mm, 30 Nm, 2x bolts, 13mm, 20 Nm
Remove wiper motor
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x connector
Remove screws securing air suspension reservoir to bracket
Note2x screws, T25, 2.5 Nm
Set air suspension reservoir aside for access
NoteManeuver below AC line
Move washer bottle neck to gain access to brake fluid level sensor
Note1x clip
Disconnect brake fluid reservoir
Note1x connector
- Place absorbent material underneath brake booster and reservoir area
- Clean area around brake fluid reservoir and remove cap
- Remove fluid from brake fluid reservoir
Disconnect brake lines from brake booster
Note2x nuts, 12mm, 20 Nm
Remove the spring clip from the brake pedal clevis pin
Note1x spring clip
Remove the brake pedal clevis pin
NoteDepress the brake pedal for clearance
Remove and discard the fasteners securing the brake pedal to the brake booster
Note4x nyloc nuts, 13mm, 23 Nm, Discard after removal
- Remove brake booster assembly from vehicle
Release harness guide for frunk harness from bulkhead
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm
Remove barrel clips securing harnesses and front motor bay absorber to bulkhead
Note5x barrel clips
Cut slits into front motor bay noise absorber
NoteThese cuts will aid in removal of noise absorber
- Remove front motor bay noise absorber from vehicle
Cut slits into front motor bay noise absorber
NoteThese cuts will aid in installation of noise absorber
Position front motor bay noise absorber into vehicle
NoteUse caution when positioning, studs can tear absorber
Install clips securing front motor bay noise absorber and harness to bulkhead
Note5x barrel clips
Secure harness guide for frunk harness to bulkhead
Note1x bolt, 10mm, 6 Nm
- Position brake booster assembly into vehicle
Install the fasteners securing the brake pedal to the brake booster at the bulkhead
Note4x nyloc nuts, 13mm, 23 Nm, Install new nyloc nuts
Install the brake pedal clevis pin
NoteDepress the brake pedal for clearance
Install the spring clip to secure the clevis pin
Note1x spring clip
Reinstall LH footwell cover
Note2x screws, T20, 2 Nm, 1x connector
Install LH lower IP trim
Note1x screw, T20, 2 Nm, 9x clips, Replace any damaged or missing clips prior to installation
Install LH IP side cover
Note4x clips, 1x connector
Install LH console closeout extension
Note12x clips
Secure LH center console wrapped trim panel
Note22x clips
Connect brake lines into brake booster
Note1x nut, 12mm, 20 Nm
Top off reservoir
NoteIf necessary
- Remove absorbent material from underneath brake booster and reservoir area
Connect brake fluid reservoir connector
Note1x connector
Place washer bottle neck back into position
Note1x clip
Raise vehicle partially and lower onto locks
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to side, Always lower lift arms onto locks after raising vehicle
Connect harness connectors to brake booster assembly
Note2x connectors, 1x clip
Secure rear portion of the LH front wheel house liner to vehicle
Note6x clips
Lower vehicle partially and set onto locks
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered, Set vehicle to comfortable working height
- Place air suspension reservoir into position
Loosely install air suspension reservoir brackets
Note2x screws, T25, 2.5 Nm
Install LH shock tower brace
Note1x bolt, 13mm, 30 Nm, 2x bolts, 13mm, 20 Nm
Install RH shock tower brace
Note2x bolts, 13mm, 20 Nm, 1x bolt, 13mm, 20 Nm
Install wiper motor
Note3x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm, 1x connector
Secure air suspension reservoir brackets
Note2x screws, T25, 2.5 Nm
Install cowl screen
Note4x push clips, 2x end tabs
Install wiper arms
Note2x nuts, 17mm, 31 Nm, Align wiper blades with marks on windshield
Install LH shock tower cover
Note4x push clips
Install RH shock tower cover
Note4x push clips
Place fuse box into vehicle and reconnect harness connectors
Note3x connectors
Position fuse box onto body
Note2x tabs, Slide the fuse box to LH to attach the tabs into crossbar
Install bolts securing fuse box to body
Note2x bolts, 10mm, 6 Nm
Reconnect pyrotechnic fuse connector
Note1x connector, Be sure to secure locking clip
Secure clips holding 12V battery supply cable to fuse box and strut tower beam
Note3x clips
Install new nut securing 12V supply cable to DCDC
Note1x nyloc nut, 13mm, 12 Nm, Install new nyloc nut
Install fuse box cover
Note2x clips
Install 12V negative terminal and first responder loop
Note1x nut, 10mm, 10 Nm, 1x connector
- Perform a brake bleed procedure. See Bleed or Flush Procedure - System (Remove and Replace).
Raise vehicle partially and lower onto locks
NoteSet vehicle to comfortable working height, Make sure there's an audible click of locks on both sides before lowering, otherwise vehicle may tilt to side, Always lower lift arms onto locks after raising vehicle
Install LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Install LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Install RH rear wheel liner
Note9x push clips, 2x fan clips, Remaining clips will be installed during mid aero shield installation
Install RH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Install RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm, Start lug nuts by hand before using power tool
Lower vehicle until tires are touching ground
NoteRaise lift off locks, then hold lock release lever to keep locks free while vehicle is lowered
Torque RH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Torque RH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21 mm, 175 Nm
Torque LH rear wheel
Note5x nuts, 21 mm, 175 Nm
Torque LH front wheel
Note5x nuts, 21mm, 175 Nm
Install LH front lug nut covers
Note5x covers
Install LH rear lug nut covers
Note5x covers
Install RH rear lug nut covers
Note5x covers
Install RH front lug nut covers
Note5x covers
- Install HEPA filter outlet duct
Install HEPA filter inlet duct
Note2x tabs, One on each side
Install clips securing HEPA filter inlet duct to cowl panel
Note3x push clips
Secure drainage hoses to HEPA filter inlet duct
Note2x hoses
Install RH underhood apron
Note9x clips
Install LH underhood apron
Note9x clips
Install rear underhood apron
Note8x clips
Close hood
NotePress firmly in green highlighted areas (see image), Damage may result from pressure elsewhere on hood
Remove vehicle from lift
NoteLower rack arms fully and remove them from under vehicle, Remove air suspension from "Jack Mode" via Controls > Service > '' JACK MODE''
- Return steering column to original position
Raise both front windows
NoteUsing master switch on driver's door
- Close LH front door